
The Maxiflex Meter Prover Module is used in meter proving systems for Petroleum Measurement The Mx MP Module uses (Pulse Interpolation) a method of “double-chronometry” for increasing the resolution of flow metering pulses when proving meters.

The Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4 (Proving Systems) Section 6 (Pulse Interpolation) defines a method of "double-chronometry" or pulse interpolation for increasing the resolution of flow metering pulses when proving gas or oil meters used in custody transfer applications.

General purpose electronic control equipment (such as PLCs) are generally not able to meet the fast counting requirements needed to implement this method. This Maxiflex M1714A MP (Meter Prover) module is specifically designed to interface with compact meter provers, and provide the complete meter proving logic and pulse interpolation calculations in accordance with the standard.

This module performs the following functions:

  • Accepts up to four detector switch inputs from a meter prover. Any two can  be enabled for a meter prover "run".
  • Accepts a pulse input from the flow meter to be "proved". This input is designed to be compatible with the Maxiflex 4PI (four channel pulse integrity) module pulse output so that any of the flow meter pulse streams into any Maxiflex 4PI module in the system can be software selected for this function.
  • Upon software command, performs the pulse interpolation function (as defined in the Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards) and provides the result to the Maxiflex CPU Module.


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